About Us

The main priority of the company is the life and health of employees and their families, as well as safety and tranquility in cities.

What security measures are we taking to protect employees from COVID-19?

We have reduced the number of business trips and meetings. Employees returning from foreign trips without fail remain in home self-isolation for two weeks with the preservation of earnings.

Temperature control of employees of offices and warehouses is carried out daily. Employees of the company who need to go to work have been issued additional personal protective equipment - masks and protective gloves. Additional containers with antiseptics and disinfectants are placed in common areas. Regular sanitation of transport and premises is carried out.

How is remote work organized?

In order to reduce the number of crowded places, the working hours of office staff have been adjusted. Most of the office workers have been transferred to remote work mode. All meetings are conducted remotely using efficient conferencing and video conferencing systems. All mass business, sports and entertainment corporate events have been postponed or canceled.


Unified hotline for coronovirus of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Unified dispatching service of the Lipetsk region

Unified dispatching service of the Tambov region

Unified Dispatch Service of the Moscow Region